Disaster Plan Before a Disaster Occurs
When Disaster Strikes, Will You Be Ready?
It takes an entire community to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disaster. We need to involve everyone: our government, neighbors, faith-based organizations, volunteer and civic groups, schools, businesses, and all residents. Talk about being prepared with friends and family online and at your school, workplace, club, or place of worship.
In the event of an emergency or disaster, listen carefully to the direction of local and state officials and prepare to evacuate should that become necessary. Follow the latest Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) public health and safety guidelines as you respond to disasters.
You Need a Disaster Plan
Prevent panic and confusion by making sure everyone knows where to go and what to do in an emergency situation, whether at home or at work.
Know Your Risk
Learn what disasters might affect your home or workplace. Are you in a Hurricane Evacuation Level or FEMA Flood Zone (visit floodsmart.gov)? They are NOT the same thing!
If you live in a mobile home, boat, or recreational vehicle (RV) you are at greater risk. NEVER stay inside a mobile home, boat, or RV if you are told to evacuate.
Pick Two Meeting Places In Case of An Emergency
The first should be just outside your home or business for sudden events such as a fire. The second should be outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot get home, or your household gets separated from each other.
Emergency Training
Prepare yourself for emergencies by taking first aid and CPR courses. Your Del Webb Lakewood Ranch CERT schedules these safety training courses regularly. Visit our Training Classes or CERT Events page to sign up for our next session.
Disaster Communication
Have all family members located inside and outside of the vulnerable / impacted area communicate their locations. Send your emergency contact copies of important papers (copy of driver’s license, insurance policies, etc.). Include contact information in your phone and make physical emergency contact cards.
Keep a Paper Trail
Keep important documents in a fireproof safe or box, and store a copy in a secure location away from your home or business.
- Proof of residence/ownership
- Birth and marriage certificates
- Passports
- Social Security cards
- Bank and credit card info
- Wills, deeds, and copies of recent tax returns
- Stocks and bonds
- Copy of driver’s license
- Special medical information
- Insurance policies
- Property inventories or photos and videos of your home or business
- Proof of residence/ownership
Help Your Neighbors & Those With Special Needs
Please ask for help if you need it and volunteer to help those who do.
People with disabilities or in poor health (either mentally or physically), or those who are without the support of family or friends, should plan ahead for an emergency. They may need special assistance from family members, friends, neighbors, or social service agencies. If an adult lives in a nursing home, assisted living facility (ALF), or residential facility, the administrator should be contacted to learn about the facility’s disaster plan.
Adults who are also caregivers may require outside assistance. Excessive stress and anxiety can contribute to increased episodes of illness, particularly for persons with heart disease and other illnesses.
At-Home Healthcare and Homebound Patients
Tell your home health agency and oxygen company where you will be during a hurricane. Ask them about their plans to provide care. If you are homebound, but not under the care of a home health agency, contact your physician to determine your best plan of action. If you require respirators or other electric-dependent medical equipment, you should make medical arrangements with your physician and register with your power company.
If you will need assistance in an evacuation or need to go to Manatee County’s special needs / medically-dependent shelter/evacuation center, register with Manatee County Emergency Management NOW. It is important to apply in advance for this assistance.
Disaster Planning Checklist
Click the link to download a Disaster Planning Checklist PDF »»